Still no electricity in parts of Vaal after transformer tripped during substation repairs | News24

2022-07-30 04:38:02 By : Ms. Anna Lan

Parts of Vaal have been without electricity since Tuesday night, affecting essential services in Sebokeng, after a transformer tripped during repairs to the Sebokeng substation.

Eskom has estimated that electricity supply will be restored by Friday.

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According to the power utility, the transformer tripped at around 21:00 on Tuesday, while officials were repairing and replacing damaged equipment following a fire at the substation on 18 July.

"The fire at the substation caused a major shutdown to major parts of Sebokeng," it said.

Sebokeng Hospital, Naledi Nkanyezi Hospital, the local fire department and police station, the Magistrate's Court, the Department of Home Affairs, and the Department of Social Development have been affected by the outage.

"Eskom apologises for the inconvenience caused to all customers without electricity due to occurrences at the substation and has assured customers that the teams are working around the clock to restore supply and normalise operations in Sebokeng."

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