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Siemens Energy has installed the world’s first leased rapid response transformers — three single-phase Pretact GSU Senformers — to support a failed conventional transformer at a combined cycle power plant, the company announced.
Transportation and installation of the single-phase units is possible in a matter of weeks, instead of 9-12 months for a replacement GSU transformer to be manufactured and delivered. The plug-and-play solution fits nearly all generation and transmission voltage arrangements.
“This is the first time a multi-voltage GSU has been leased to customers as a flexible transformer replacement option,” said Wade Lauer, senior vice president of Siemens Energy’s Transmission division in North America. “Being able to rapidly deploy innovative replacement equipment is key to enhancing grid resiliency here in the U.S. so that we can help our customers keep the lights on.”
Siemens Energy said it was able to prepare the units for shipment within two and a half weeks after being notified of the conventional transformer failure.
The solution aims to provide grid stability and mitigate long-term outages.