A Pepsi tractor-trailer headed down Broad St. in Milford took down a utility pole in front of Wells Fargo Bank at about 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning, realtor Dave Chant said. A power outage that began on Monday afternoon when a dump truck ripped downed wires near Perkins and Farm Plus a few miles down Route 6 and 209 was extended by many hours.
“I was the only vehicle behind him. I was in front of the diner. He was in front of the bank close to the curb, getting ready to make a right turn,” said Chant. “The heavy truck is leaning toward the curb now and probably was when he hit the power pole.”
Afterward, one transformer lay on the ground in front of the bank door. Another transformer hung from a wire about a foot off the ground, and another hung three feet off the ground, Chant said.
“There will be an investigation,” a police officer could be heard saying to Chant, who was sitting on the bench across the street from the bank, in front of the Artisan Exchange, as he described the scene.
Chant noted that, where the truck was, the middle of the street was higher than the curb for water run-off, and the far right lane leading into the right turn onto East Harford St. had not begun yet by the bank, which would have given the truck more space on the way to the turn.
Predictions made on Monday afternoon, that lights would come on by 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning, were consequently wrong. Pike County Light & Power Company had said on Monday that they were aware of a widespread outage affecting all of Matamoras, Westfall, Milford Township, Milford Borough and Millrift after a dump truck had ripped the 34.5 wires down by Perkins/Farm Plus.
They had a crew on-site where the dump truck broke two poles, and the three phase wires--the main circuit--were lying on top of the dump truck.
“This is a tricky repair and estimated time of restoration may change as things progress,” a PCLP post had said, as reported by Milford Borough Council member Joe Dooley late on Monday afternoon.