GPL explains Saturday outage - Stabroek News

2022-07-02 05:07:05 By : Mr. Zhonghua Zhou

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At approximately 1.02 am on Saturday, customers in Demerara and Berbice experienced an interruption in electricity supply when a breaker connected to the 16 KVA transformer, which connects all the 13.8 KV feeders at the Sophia Substation developed a fault.

A statement from the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) said that the fault activated the protection system, which resulted in the feeders going offline.  This sudden and significant loss of generation resulted in the generators going offline.

Restoration of service began immediately and at approximately 1.24 am the first area in Demerara was repowered. Subsequently, incremental restoration continued until all areas in Demerara and Berbice were repowered at approximately 2:49 am.

GPL said that an investigation commenced concurrently with restoration efforts.

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