With the rise of big data, data analysts are increasingly required by companies to collect, process and analyze key data present in companies.In order to validate highly sought-after skills, Microsoft offers a DA-100 certification with Power BI.Data analysis appears more and more as a necessity as the information present in companies has only grown since the rise of new technologies.Companies have understood that data, by analyzing it, is transformed into actionable and strategic information, in an increasingly competitive economic environment.To enable data specialists to train and better analyze important data, Microsoft offers the "Data Analyst Associate" certification, issued after successfully passing the "DA-100: Analyzing Data With Power BI" exam. , in order to strengthen the skills of experts and enable them to justify Microsoft Learn training on Power BI.Power BI is a tool dedicated to business intelligence or business intelligence.Thanks to Power BI, you will be able to convert raw data into actionable information.The solution makes it possible to aggregate, visualize and analyze data, but also to create and share dashboards in order to transmit strategic information to the departments concerned.Many features and options are available in this software.This is why it is important to follow dedicated training in order to know how to handle this tool correctly and to be able to make the best use of it.The DA-100 certification will certify the skills of the data analyst working with Power BI as part of his job.Data experts are responsible for analyzing data already mined by data scientists in order to submit recommendations and business analyzes to their superiors or clients.This segmentation of data will make it possible to respond to very specific problems for the company and to arrive at a coherent collective vision thanks to information with high added value.This certification is therefore aimed at all data professionals who wish to improve their skills in models, reports and data visualization.Thanks to its multiple components, Power BI is accessible on smartphones and provides access to its dashboards anywhere.© mhong84, ShutterstockMicrosoft Power BI's DA-100 certification is the highest level of certification for this tool.To be able to obtain this certification, it is important to prepare for it properly.Datascientest's Power BI training is dedicated to preparing for the DA-100 exam and provides all the keys to passing this difficult certification.Note that this training is eligible for the CPF and that it takes place over three days, entirely online with a mock exam at the end of the training.When you pass your DA-100 certification, you will be ready to face the five modules that the exam contains:Each module counts a certain percentage for the final grade.This is why it is necessary to prepare properly for this certification because it covers all aspects of a Business Intelligence project in a company.Datascientest's Power BI training is offered once a month until the end of December.After an introduction to business intelligence and then to Power BI, you will be able to prepare and transform data with Power Query then model data and use the DAX language.You will then be trained in data visualization by creating dashboards and then discover the management of data access and the distribution of reports.Article written in collaboration with DataScientest.Thank you for your registration.Happy to count you among our readers!