Bhopal(Madhya Pradesh): To prevent unauthorised usage of electricity than the specified load, Central Region Electricity Distribution Company is going to install Auto Cut Off Distribution Transformers.
On detection of usage of electricity beyond the prescribed load , the transformers will automatically get cut off and the power supply will be severed.
As per the number of consumers registered in an area in the records and on the basis of valid sanctioned load, the auto cut off distribution transformer of a fixed capacity will be installed. This will help check the over and above electricity usage than the prescribed load in the area.
Discom official said that on a pilot basis, an auto cut off distribution transformer of 100 KVA has been installed in Chhola Zone of Bhopal. Besides, auto cut off distribution transformers have been installed in those areas of Narmadapuram where moong crops are sown. One distribution centre of Sehore Circle had a high rate of transformer failing and hence auto cut off distribution transformers have been installed in all those areas. In rural areas, distribution transformers are being changed on a pilot project basis. After review of the results of these transformers the discom will go ahead with the project in rural areas of districts like Bhind, Morena, Gwalior etc.
Besides, the number of valid connections has increased and this has led to a rise in revenue of the company.
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